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30 Fiddle Tunes for Mandolin
30 Fiddle Tunes for Mandolin
These 30 classic fiddle tunes will add depth to any player's repertoire and technical proficiency. Butch plays each piece slowly and up-to-speed, and provides rhythm tracks. Songs: St. Anne's Reel � Fisher's Hornpipe � Whiskey Before Breakfast � Little Rabbit � Cherokee Shuffle � Fire on the Mountain � etc.
Product# 641392
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More info on 30 Fiddle Tunes for MandolinBuy 30 Fiddle Tunes for Mandolin Now!List Price: US $29.95Our Price: US $27.95

300 Fiddle Tunes
300 Fiddle Tunes
This comprehensive collection of fabulous fiddle tunes includes reels, hornpipes, strathspeys, jigs, waltzes and slow airs.
Product# 235
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More info on 300 Fiddle TunesBuy 300 Fiddle Tunes Now!List Price: US $12.95Our Price: US $11.95

50 Fiddle Solos
50 Fiddle Solos
Seane Keane, popular fiddler of the Chieftans has selected, arranged, and recorded 50 superb jigs, reels and hornpipes. Songs include The Legacy, Molloy's, Music in the Glen, Imelda Roland, Dunmore Lassies and many more favorites. With accompanying CD.
Product# AM970497
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More info on 50 Fiddle SolosBuy 50 Fiddle Solos Now!List Price: US $19.95Our Price: US $18.95

50 Tunes for Fiddle
50 Tunes for Fiddle
This book contains the same 50 tunes as those found in the other 4 books of the series for guitar, mandolin, bass and banjo, but carefully designed for the fiddle. The parts in this book range from beginner to advanced. All tunes contain a simple melody and most of the tunes contain an intermediate or advanced part. Companion CD's included.
Product# 99938BCD
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More info on 50 Tunes for FiddleBuy 50 Tunes for Fiddle Now!List Price: US $29.95Our Price: US $27.95

50 Tunes for Mandolin
50 Tunes for Mandolin
The 50 Tunes series is a collection of Bluegrass, Old Time and Celtic tunes for ensembles, families and individuals. This book contains the same 50 tunes as those found in the other 4 books on guitar, banjo, fiddle and bass, but carefully designed for the mandolin. The melodies in this book range from simple to advanced. Companion CDs included. Book written in tablature and standard notation.
Product# 99942BCD
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More info on 50 Tunes for MandolinBuy 50 Tunes for Mandolin Now!List Price: US $29.95Our Price: US $27.95

60 Hot Licks for Country Fiddle
60 Hot Licks for Country Fiddle
Great Texas fiddle artist Ed Marsh teaches 60 of the best country fiddle licks as heard on today's top-selling recordings. These licks will help make you intros, solos, and fills sound like the great nashville artists of today.
Product# LM-EM-1
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More info on 60 Hot Licks for Country FiddleBuy 60 Hot Licks for Country Fiddle Now!List Price: US $29.95Our Price: US $27.95

A Fiddle Player's Guide To Jamming
A Fiddle Player's Guide To Jamming
This book presents everything a beginning or intermediate fiddler player needs to know to participate in a jam session. There are sections that describe the anatomy of a jam session, jam session etiquette, chords and keys for jamming, and vamping. A play-along CD is included with 9 typical bluegrass jam tunes.
Product# 20889BCD
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More info on A Fiddle Player's Guide To JammingBuy A Fiddle Player's Guide To Jamming Now!List Price: US $14.95Our Price: US $13.95

A Fiddling Christmas
A Fiddling Christmas
This book contains many types of Christmas and holiday tunes from a wide variety of sources. Each tune has suggested bowings, guitar chords, an optional harmony part and a piano accompaniment along with information on the origin of the tune.
Product# 96466
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More info on A Fiddling ChristmasBuy A Fiddling Christmas Now!List Price: US $19.95Our Price: US $18.95

A Guide to American Fiddling
A Guide to American Fiddling
A Guide to American Fiddling exposes serious students of the violin to the technical nuances of traditional Old Time fiddling. In this book, violinist/fiddler Andrew Carlson provides a detailed technical analysis of Missouri-style fiddling, focusing primarily on the use of the bow.
Product# 99128BCD
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More info on A Guide to American FiddlingBuy A Guide to American Fiddling Now!List Price: US $17.95Our Price: US $16.95

A Hundred Favorite Fiddle Tune
A Hundred Favorite Fiddle Tune
One hundred great fiddle solos and duets on reels, waltzes, jigs, hornpipes, two-steps, breakdowns, clogs, and schottisches by well-known Canadian fiddle Bill Guest. This book was compiled mainly for the violin student who is interested in learning to play old-time fiddle music.
Product# 93730
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More info on A Hundred Favorite Fiddle TuneBuy A Hundred Favorite Fiddle Tune Now!List Price: US $10.95Our Price: US $9.95

Absolute Beginners Irish Fiddle
Absolute Beginners Irish Fiddle
Paul McNevin, master teacher and musician, takes you step by step from holding the fiddle and bow to playing your first tunes. Complete with live stage performances featuring...Gavin Ralston - guitar, Gerry O'Connor - banjo. Paul McNevin is one of Ireland's finest fiddle teachers and performers.
Product# WM1445DVD
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More info on Absolute Beginners Irish FiddleBuy Absolute Beginners Irish Fiddle Now!List Price: US $29.95Our Price: US $27.95

Advanced Bluegrass Rhythm Guitar with Wyatt Rice
Advanced Bluegrass Rhythm Guitar with Wyatt Rice
In this 90-minute DVD, rhythm guitar master Wyatt Rice teaches you how to greatly expand your rhythm guitar abilities by teaching: crosspicking rhythm; syncopated rhythm; a variety of right hand patterns combined with left hand technique to develop a "groove" rhythm; unique bass runs; passing chords; chord substitutions; and chord inversions. Additionally, Wyatt is shown improvisationally accompanying various instruments (banjo, fiddle, guitar, mandolin) and then analyzing what he has done to provide the rhythmic foundation behind each instrument.
Product# FGM1006
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More info on Advanced Bluegrass Rhythm Guitar with Wyatt RiceBuy Advanced Bluegrass Rhythm Guitar with Wyatt Rice Now!List Price: US $29.95Our Price: US $27.95

Advanced Fiddling
Advanced Fiddling
A follow-up book on Craig Duncan's popular 'Deluxe Fiddling Method' containing 40 great fiddle solos in the keys of F, B-flat, E major, E minor, and A minor. Also features tunes in altered tunings, contest-style breakdowns, ragtime tunes, and additional fiddling favorites.
Product# 93971BCD
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More info on Advanced FiddlingBuy Advanced Fiddling Now!List Price: US $24.95Our Price: US $22.95

Aerobics For Fiddling
Aerobics For Fiddling
Get in shape and stay in shape on your fiddle. Written by champion fiddler Carol Ann Wheeler, Aerobics for Fiddlers contains well-thought-out exercises dealing with dexterity, vibrato, loosening and strengthening the wrist, plus techniques such as double-stops, turn-arounds, chromatics, etc.
Product# 95166BCD
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More info on Aerobics For FiddlingBuy Aerobics For Fiddling Now!List Price: US $14.95Our Price: US $13.95

All Star Bluegrass Jam Along For Fiddle
All Star Bluegrass Jam Along For Fiddle
These fabulous collections for players of all levels feature 21 must-know bluegrss songs & instrumentals, created especially for learning players by the genre's leading artists. The artist plays a basic solo that states the melody of the tune, then a more adventurous improvisation, and each solo is transcribed in detail.
Product# 641946
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More info on All Star Bluegrass Jam Along For FiddleBuy All Star Bluegrass Jam Along For Fiddle Now!List Price: US $19.95Our Price: US $18.95

Appalachian APD-1 Dulcimer Pickin' Pac
Appalachian APD-1 Dulcimer Pickin' Pac
In the new Appalachian Pickin' Pac outfits, every instrument and accessory is chosen with the greatest care and long, professional experience to ensure that every beginner has the easiest path to bluegrass stardom! Only the finest instruments—properly designed and meticulously crafted are chosen for our outfits. Their fine tone and easy playing action will inspire confidence and make learning a breeze!
Product# APD-1
More info on Appalachian APD-1 Dulcimer Pickin' PacBuy Appalachian APD-1 Dulcimer Pickin' Pac Now!List Price: US $239.95Our Price: US $175.00

Autoharp Method In Four Easy Steps
Autoharp Method In Four Easy Steps
Part One includes basic music theory, Part Two includes rhythm strumming instructions, melody chord changes, and lyrics to 18 well- known American folk songs and southern fiddle tunes in the keys of G, F, C major, and A modal.
Product# 99187BCD
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More info on Autoharp Method In Four Easy StepsBuy Autoharp Method In Four Easy Steps Now!List Price: US $14.95Our Price: US $13.95

Baker Street  BK-4030 Luxury Violin Case - Modern Oblong
Baker Street BK-4030 Luxury Violin Case - Modern Oblong
Baker Street violin cases are sturdy, lightweight and handmade from the finest and most luxurious materials, offering the ultimate in protection for the finest instruments. The Deluxe line, with a rigid foam shell, offers extremely light weight for ease of transport. The sturdy wood construction frame of the Luxury Series combines with an elegant plush interior to make a superior violin case.
Product# BK-4030
More info on Baker Street  BK-4030 Luxury Violin Case - Modern OblongBuy Baker Street  BK-4030 Luxury Violin Case - Modern Oblong Now!List Price: US $339.95Our Price: US $254.95

Baker Street BK-4000 Deluxe Violin Case - Half Moon
Baker Street BK-4000 Deluxe Violin Case - Half Moon
Baker Street violin cases are sturdy, lightweight and handmade from the finest and most luxurious materials, offering the ultimate in protection for the finest instruments. The Deluxe line, with a rigid foam shell, offers extremely light weight for ease of transport. The sturdy wood construction frame of the Luxury Series combines with an elegant plush interior to make a superior violin case.
Product# BK-4000
More info on Baker Street BK-4000 Deluxe Violin Case - Half MoonBuy Baker Street BK-4000 Deluxe Violin Case - Half Moon Now!List Price: US $229.95Our Price: US $172.45

Baker Street BK-4010 Deluxe Violin Case - Oblong
Baker Street BK-4010 Deluxe Violin Case - Oblong
Baker Street violin cases are sturdy, lightweight and handmade from the finest and most luxurious materials, offering the ultimate in protection for the finest instruments. The Deluxe line, with a rigid foam shell, offers extremely light weight for ease of transport. The sturdy wood construction frame of the Luxury Series combines with an elegant plush interior to make a superior violin case.
Product# BK-4010
More info on Baker Street BK-4010 Deluxe Violin Case - OblongBuy Baker Street BK-4010 Deluxe Violin Case - Oblong Now!List Price: US $289.95Our Price: US $217.45

Band In A Book: Bluegrass Instrumentals
Band In A Book: Bluegrass Instrumentals
The idea here is to help coordinate the pickers so you all have solos to play and they can be played in the same key. What a concept - a "Band in the Book". Within these pages you will find solos for the entire band: lead guitar, rhythm guitar, banjo, mandolin, fiddle and bass. If you are just starting out and you are having difficulty-finding solos for your level - look no more. These solos are written for the beginner level student assuming you can already play a few simple solos or lead breaks. This series will help you to learn solos on multiple instruments, help organize ensemble play, help develop a steady sense of timing and give you hours of enjoyment as well.

For E-Book + Online Audio $19.99 Click Buy Band In A Book: Bluegrass Instrumentals Now

Product# 20426BCD
More info on Band In A Book: Bluegrass InstrumentalsBuy Band In A Book: Bluegrass Instrumentals Now!List Price: US $24.95Our Price: US $22.95

Band In A Book: Bluegrass Vocals for Bluegrass Ensemble
Band In A Book: Bluegrass Vocals for Bluegrass Ensemble
The idea here is to help coordinate the pickers so you all have solos to play and they can be played in the same key. What a concept - a "Band in the Book". Within these pages you will find solos for the entire band: lead guitar, rhythm guitar, banjo, mandolin, fiddle and bass. If you are just starting out and you are having difficulty-finding solos for your level - look no more. These solos are written for the beginner level student assuming you can already play a few simple solos or lead breaks. This series will help you to learn solos on multiple instruments, help organize ensemble play, help develop a steady sense of timing and give you hours of enjoyment as well.

For E-Book + Online Audio $19.99 Click Buy Band In A Book: Bluegrass Vocals for Bluegrass Ensemble Now

Product# 20425BCD
More info on Band In A Book: Bluegrass Vocals for Bluegrass EnsembleBuy Band In A Book: Bluegrass Vocals for Bluegrass Ensemble Now!List Price: US $24.95Our Price: US $22.95

Band In A Book: Gospel Vocal Tunes for Bluegrass Ensemble
Band In A Book: Gospel Vocal Tunes for Bluegrass Ensemble
What a concept - a "Band in the Book". Within these pages you will find solos for the entire band: lead guitar, rhythm guitar, banjo, mandolin, fiddle and bass. The mandolin and fiddle share the same tunings so their solos are just written once for both. If you are just starting out and you are having difficulty-finding solos for your level - look no more. These solos are written for the beginner level student assuming you can already play a few simple solos or lead breaks.

For E-Book + Online Audio $19.99 Click Buy Band In A Book: Gospel Vocal Tunes for Bluegrass Ensemble Now

Product# 20424BCD
More info on Band In A Book: Gospel Vocal Tunes for Bluegrass EnsembleBuy Band In A Book: Gospel Vocal Tunes for Bluegrass Ensemble Now!List Price: US $24.95Our Price: US $22.95

Banjo According to John Hartford - 2 DVD Set
Banjo According to John Hartford - 2 DVD Set
The late John Hartford was the extraordinary fiddle and banjo man who danced, played and sang to delighted audiences at festivals and concerts around the nation and the world. A thoughtful and knowledgeable musician, John imparts a treasure-trove of ideas and techniques, and banjo arrangements to some of his most requested songs, including the classic hit "Gentle on My Mind."
Product# 641656
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More info on Banjo According to John Hartford - 2 DVD SetBuy Banjo According to John Hartford - 2 DVD Set Now!List Price: US $49.95Our Price: US $46.95

Banjo According to John Hartford DVD 1
Banjo According to John Hartford DVD 1
The late John Hartford was the extraordinary fiddle and banjo man who danced, played and sang to delighted audiences at festivals and concerts around the nation and the world. A thoughtful and knowledgeable musician, John imparts a treasure-trove of ideas and techniques, and banjo arrangements to some of his most requested songs, including the classic hit "Gentle on My Mind."
Product# 641653
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More info on Banjo According to John Hartford DVD 1Buy Banjo According to John Hartford DVD 1 Now!List Price: US $29.95Our Price: US $27.95

Banjo According to John Hartford DVD 2
Banjo According to John Hartford DVD 2
The late John Hartford was the extraordinary fiddle and banjo man who danced, played and sang to delighted audiences at festivals and concerts around the nation and the world. A thoughtful and knowledgeable musician, John imparts a treasure-trove of ideas and techniques, and banjo arrangements to some of his most requested songs, including the classic hit "Gentle on My Mind."
Product# 641654
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More info on Banjo According to John Hartford DVD 2Buy Banjo According to John Hartford DVD 2 Now!List Price: US $29.95Our Price: US $27.95

Barcus Berry Clamp-On Bridge Violin Pickup
Barcus Berry Clamp-On Bridge Violin Pickup
Designed for violinists who need dependable performance without a permanently installed transducer. This piezo transducer clamps easily to the violin bridge and connects, via cable, to the included 3100P output jack. No holes to drill or tools required. The best of both worlds - ease of use plus wide-band frequency response, excellent string balance, feedback rejection and outstanding signal isolation.
Product# 3100
More info on Barcus Berry Clamp-On Bridge Violin PickupBuy Barcus Berry Clamp-On Bridge Violin Pickup Now!List Price: US $149.95Our Price: US $111.58

Barcus Berry Clamp-On Bridge Violin Pickup with PreAmp
Barcus Berry Clamp-On Bridge Violin Pickup with PreAmp
Same pickup as the 3100 with Barcus Berry 3000A Piezo Buffer Preamp.
Product# 3110
More info on Barcus Berry Clamp-On Bridge Violin Pickup with PreAmpBuy Barcus Berry Clamp-On Bridge Violin Pickup with PreAmp Now!List Price: US $497.99Our Price: US $397.49

Barcus Berry Piezo Buffer PreAmp with EQ
Barcus Berry Piezo Buffer PreAmp with EQ
Specifically designed to work with all Barcus-Berry piezo crystal systems. Features external bass, treble and volume frequency controls to allow a wide range of adjustment. Includes a belt clip for unrestricted movement.
Product# 3000A
More info on Barcus Berry Piezo Buffer PreAmp with EQBuy Barcus Berry Piezo Buffer PreAmp with EQ Now!List Price: US $204.90Our Price: US $166.65

Barcus Berry Violin Bridge with Built In Pickup
Barcus Berry Violin Bridge with Built In Pickup
Designed to satisfy the most rigorous demands of the professional musician - outstanding dependability! The piezo transducer is built right into the bridge, achieving wide-band frequency response, perfectly balanced string sensitivity, feedback rejection and excellent signal isolation. More pro violinists depend on the 1320 for unequalled acoustic-electric performance!
Product# 1320.
More info on Barcus Berry Violin Bridge with Built In PickupBuy Barcus Berry Violin Bridge with Built In Pickup Now!List Price: US $158.99Our Price: US $104.99

Basic Bluegrass Fiddle Video
Basic Bluegrass Fiddle Video
This video teaches a variety of bluegrass fiddle licks and features many of the famous solos you have heard on your favorite bluegrass records. Ed also teaches you how to build your own solos and how to play in the upper positions so that you can sound like the professional players.
Product# FB-60DVD
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Basic Bluegrass Rhythm Guitar
Basic Bluegrass Rhythm Guitar
Steve Kaufman is one of America's top bluegrass guitarists! His DVD covers the basics of back-up guitar, from the simplest two-chord song to Texas-style fiddle tunes. Players will master bass walks, the Lester Flatt 'G run,' altered chords, complex progressions and more. AVAILABLE ONLY THROUGH DIGITAL DOWNLOADS Download now from!
Product# 641655
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More info on Basic Bluegrass Rhythm GuitarBuy Basic Bluegrass Rhythm Guitar Now!List Price: US $29.95Our Price: US $27.95

Become A Better Fiddler Bluegrass Tunes & Techniques
Become A Better Fiddler Bluegrass Tunes & Techniques
Kenny teaches 11 great tunes, showing the basic melody and several hot variations. Chock-full of great tips on bowing, fingering, licks and tricks of the trade. Songs include: Little Rabbit - Bill Cheatham - Cotton Patch Rag - Tall Timber - Ace of Spades - Linda Lu - and Sugar Hill. For early intermediate-level players. 90 minutes. Download now from!
Product# 641948
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More info on Become A Better Fiddler Bluegrass Tunes & TechniquesBuy Become A Better Fiddler Bluegrass Tunes & Techniques Now!List Price: US $29.95Our Price: US $27.95

Beginning Bluegrass Country Fiddle
Beginning Bluegrass Country Fiddle
If any instrument needs a VISUAL LESSON, it's the FIDDLE! Although it's a lot of fun, the fiddle is more difficult in the beginning than any other instrument. This lesson is designed to start you off on the right foot, with hints that will make your progress FAST and PAINLESS! Download now from!
Product# 7035
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More info on Beginning Bluegrass Country FiddleBuy Beginning Bluegrass Country Fiddle Now!List Price: US $19.95Our Price: US $18.95

Beginning Fiddle Solos
Beginning Fiddle Solos
Easy solos in several styles for beginners... great tune selection! Includes Down Yonder; Goodbye Liza Jane; and many others. Each tune has a complete explanation of rhythm and fingering, along with helpful playing hints.
Product# 95590BCD
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More info on Beginning Fiddle SolosBuy Beginning Fiddle Solos Now!List Price: US $17.95Our Price: US $16.95

Beginning Mandolin - Book & CD
Beginning Mandolin - Book & CD
Get started playing with all the basics. Easy chord forms and basic strumming patterns are introduced, and fiddle tunes, bluegrass, and blues styles are covered. Important techniques such as alternate picking, tremolo and slides are taught in a friendly, fun manner. Students, teachers and self-taught players alike will enjoy this thorough, easy-to-use method.
Product# 22665
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More info on Beginning Mandolin - Book & CDBuy Beginning Mandolin - Book & CD Now!List Price: US $19.95Our Price: US $18.95

Beginning Old Time Fiddle
Beginning Old Time Fiddle
More than 40 tunes for the absolute beginner and detailed sections on how to hold the bow, bow movement, positions. Includes tunes in the styles of J.P. Fraley, Gaither Carlton, and Kenny Hall for the intermediate and advanced player.
Product# OK63503
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More info on Beginning Old Time FiddleBuy Beginning Old Time Fiddle Now!List Price: US $19.95Our Price: US $18.95

Best Of Bluegrass: 10 Must-Know Songs Arranged for Fiddle, Mandolin, Banjo, Guitar, Dobro and Bass
Best Of Bluegrass: 10 Must-Know Songs Arranged for Fiddle, Mandolin, Banjo, Guitar, Dobro and Bass
This unique pack provides complete note-for-note scores for 10 bluegrass classics. The fiddle, mandolin, and bass parts are in standard notation. The banjo parts are written in banjo tab. The CD includes the original recordings as a further reference.
Product# 690636
More info on Best Of Bluegrass: 10 Must-Know Songs Arranged for Fiddle, Mandolin, Banjo, Guitar, Dobro and BassBuy Best Of Bluegrass: 10 Must-Know Songs Arranged for Fiddle, Mandolin, Banjo, Guitar, Dobro and Bass Now!List Price: US $24.95Our Price: US $22.95

Best Of The Flatt and Scruggs TV Show Vol 1
Best Of The Flatt and Scruggs TV Show Vol 1
The Best of the Flatt and Scruggs TV Show series contains the best musical performances from a long lost TV showtaped in the 1950s and 1960s. Never available before, this footage features Flatt and Scruggs in their prime with their group the Foggy Mountain Boys playing many of their most famous songs as well as many other bluegrass classicsFlatt and Scruggs are one of the most popular bluegrass bands of all time.
Product# SHDV611
More info on Best Of The Flatt and Scruggs TV Show Vol 1Buy Best Of The Flatt and Scruggs TV Show Vol 1 Now!List Price: US $19.95Our Price: US $17.95

Beyond Basic Bluegrass Rhythm Guitar
Beyond Basic Bluegrass Rhythm Guitar
Flatpicking master teacher Steve Kaufman takes rhythm playing to a whole new level with this in-depth lesson. He covers chord substitutions, walking bass lines, complex chord shapes, and accompaniment ideas for a variety of tunes. AVAILABLE ONLY THROUGH DIGITAL DOWNLOADS Download now from!
Product# 642090
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More info on Beyond Basic Bluegrass Rhythm GuitarBuy Beyond Basic Bluegrass Rhythm Guitar Now!List Price: US $29.95Our Price: US $27.95
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