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20 Easy Tunes for the Beginning Fiddler
20 Easy Tunes for the Beginning Fiddler
In nearly three hours of play-along instruction, Jim Wood teaches new fiddlers everything they'll need to play America's best-loved tunes. With the help of his wife Inge on guitar and second violin, Jim gives beginners pointers on bowing, accurate noting, and details on playing in several keys. Download now from!
Product# 642102
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More info on 20 Easy Tunes for the Beginning FiddlerBuy 20 Easy Tunes for the Beginning Fiddler Now!List Price: US $39.95Our Price: US $37.95

A Fiddler's Guide to Waltzes, Airs & Haunting Melodies
A Fiddler's Guide to Waltzes, Airs & Haunting Melodies
Author: Jay Ungar. Fiddlers of all levels will benefit from Jay Ungar's inventive use of slides, rolls, smears, vibrato and special bowing techniques. You'll learn how to turn tunes into distinctive compositions with ornaments, slides and grace notes. Jay teaches: Tombigbee Waltz • Tennessee Waltz • South Wind • Shebeg Shemor • Give Me Your Hand • and his Grammy-winning tune, Ashokan Farewell. Download now from!
Product# 641729
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More info on A Fiddler's Guide to Waltzes, Airs & Haunting MelodiesBuy A Fiddler's Guide to Waltzes, Airs & Haunting Melodies Now!List Price: US $29.95Our Price: US $27.95

Appalachian APD-1 Dulcimer Pickin' Pac
Appalachian APD-1 Dulcimer Pickin' Pac
In the new Appalachian Pickin' Pac outfits, every instrument and accessory is chosen with the greatest care and long, professional experience to ensure that every beginner has the easiest path to bluegrass stardom! Only the finest instruments—properly designed and meticulously crafted are chosen for our outfits. Their fine tone and easy playing action will inspire confidence and make learning a breeze!
Product# APD-1
More info on Appalachian APD-1 Dulcimer Pickin' PacBuy Appalachian APD-1 Dulcimer Pickin' Pac Now!List Price: US $239.95Our Price: US $175.00

Band In A Book: Bluegrass Instrumentals
Band In A Book: Bluegrass Instrumentals
The idea here is to help coordinate the pickers so you all have solos to play and they can be played in the same key. What a concept - a "Band in the Book". Within these pages you will find solos for the entire band: lead guitar, rhythm guitar, banjo, mandolin, fiddle and bass. If you are just starting out and you are having difficulty-finding solos for your level - look no more. These solos are written for the beginner level student assuming you can already play a few simple solos or lead breaks. This series will help you to learn solos on multiple instruments, help organize ensemble play, help develop a steady sense of timing and give you hours of enjoyment as well.

For E-Book + Online Audio $19.99 Click Buy Band In A Book: Bluegrass Instrumentals Now

Product# 20426BCD
More info on Band In A Book: Bluegrass InstrumentalsBuy Band In A Book: Bluegrass Instrumentals Now!List Price: US $24.95Our Price: US $22.95

Band In A Book: Bluegrass Vocals for Bluegrass Ensemble
Band In A Book: Bluegrass Vocals for Bluegrass Ensemble
The idea here is to help coordinate the pickers so you all have solos to play and they can be played in the same key. What a concept - a "Band in the Book". Within these pages you will find solos for the entire band: lead guitar, rhythm guitar, banjo, mandolin, fiddle and bass. If you are just starting out and you are having difficulty-finding solos for your level - look no more. These solos are written for the beginner level student assuming you can already play a few simple solos or lead breaks. This series will help you to learn solos on multiple instruments, help organize ensemble play, help develop a steady sense of timing and give you hours of enjoyment as well.

For E-Book + Online Audio $19.99 Click Buy Band In A Book: Bluegrass Vocals for Bluegrass Ensemble Now

Product# 20425BCD
More info on Band In A Book: Bluegrass Vocals for Bluegrass EnsembleBuy Band In A Book: Bluegrass Vocals for Bluegrass Ensemble Now!List Price: US $24.95Our Price: US $22.95

Band In A Book: Gospel Vocal Tunes for Bluegrass Ensemble
Band In A Book: Gospel Vocal Tunes for Bluegrass Ensemble
What a concept - a "Band in the Book". Within these pages you will find solos for the entire band: lead guitar, rhythm guitar, banjo, mandolin, fiddle and bass. The mandolin and fiddle share the same tunings so their solos are just written once for both. If you are just starting out and you are having difficulty-finding solos for your level - look no more. These solos are written for the beginner level student assuming you can already play a few simple solos or lead breaks.

For E-Book + Online Audio $19.99 Click Buy Band In A Book: Gospel Vocal Tunes for Bluegrass Ensemble Now

Product# 20424BCD
More info on Band In A Book: Gospel Vocal Tunes for Bluegrass EnsembleBuy Band In A Book: Gospel Vocal Tunes for Bluegrass Ensemble Now!List Price: US $24.95Our Price: US $22.95

Beyond Basic Bluegrass Rhythm Guitar
Beyond Basic Bluegrass Rhythm Guitar
Flatpicking master teacher Steve Kaufman takes rhythm playing to a whole new level with this in-depth lesson. He covers chord substitutions, walking bass lines, complex chord shapes, and accompaniment ideas for a variety of tunes. AVAILABLE ONLY THROUGH DIGITAL DOWNLOADS Download now from!
Product# 642090
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More info on Beyond Basic Bluegrass Rhythm GuitarBuy Beyond Basic Bluegrass Rhythm Guitar Now!List Price: US $29.95Our Price: US $27.95

Bluegrass Fiddle Boot Camp - 2 DVD's
Bluegrass Fiddle Boot Camp - 2 DVD's
Here is a complete course in which Stacy Phillips unlocks the secrets of playing authentic bluegrass fiddle. These lessons are aimed mainly at basic players. Stacy provides in-depth, detailed advice on all aspects of fiddling, including bowing, slurs, double stops, slides, bowing patterns, etc. 2-DVD SET� LEVEL 2 Download now from!
Product# 641562
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More info on Bluegrass Fiddle Boot Camp - 2 DVD'sBuy Bluegrass Fiddle Boot Camp - 2 DVD's Now!List Price: US $49.95Our Price: US $46.95

Bluegrass Jam Session
Bluegrass Jam Session
Get in shape and ready for the next jam session or bluegrass festival with this new practice tape. Joe Carr and Alan Munde, along with the band, perform 15 songs for you to practice with and they explain each instrument's role in each song as well as provide tabulature for selected solos and backup parts as played on the banjo, mandolin, fiddle, guitar, and bass.
Product# JJ-60
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Bluegrass Jam Session
Bluegrass Jam Session
Get in shape and ready for the next jam session or bluegrass festival with this new practice tape. Joe Carr and Alan Munde, along with the band, perform 15 songs for you to practice with and they explain each instrument's role in each song as well as provide tabulature for selected solos and backup parts as played on the banjo, mandolin, fiddle, guitar, and bass.
Product# JJ-60DVD
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Children's Fiddling Method, Volumes 1 and 2
Children's Fiddling Method, Volumes 1 and 2
Carol Ann Wheeler, assisted by eleven-year-old fiddler Collin Bay and guitarist John Standefer, play through the 73 lessons from her fiddling book, Volume 1 and 63 lessons from Volume 2. In addition to learning great fiddling techniques in a step-by-step manner, you will learn 32 great fiddling solos in tunes such as Liberty; McNabe's Hornpipe; Boil the Cabbage; Red Fox Waltz, and others.
Product# 96607DVD
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More info on Children's Fiddling Method, Volumes 1 and 2Buy Children's Fiddling Method, Volumes 1 and 2 Now!List Price: US $19.95Our Price: US $18.95

Childrens Fiddling Method Vol. 2
Childrens Fiddling Method Vol. 2
This volume builds on the techniques explained in Children's Fiddling Method Volume 1. While created with children in mind, this book is equally well suited for adults, violinists, and string teachers.
Product# 95279BCD
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Clawhammer From Scratch
Clawhammer From Scratch
An instructional video that starts from the beginning! Clawhammer From Scratch begins as though you really have NO knowledge of how to play the five string banjo clawhammer style. If you already have many books or videos but still can't seem to get the basics, this is the one for you, too! A 2-page pamphlet is included.
Product# 5003DVD
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Contest Fiddle Championship Style
Contest Fiddle Championship Style
One of the great fiddle players of our time teaches three of his award-winning tunes in note-for-note detail. Novices and champion fiddlers alike will learn the fine points of Mark O'Connor's style and technique. 60-MINUTE VIDEO INCLUDES MUSIC LEVEL 3/4.
Product# 641132
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More info on Contest Fiddle Championship StyleBuy Contest Fiddle Championship Style Now!List Price: US $29.95Our Price: US $27.95

Country and Bluegrass Jam Tracks
Country and Bluegrass Jam Tracks
This high quality audio CD contains 23 dynamic jam tracks of country and bluegrass music. The extended jams (3 to 4 minutes each) are in a wide variety of keys and grooves, allowing you to play any style of music. In addition, several tunes are played at 2 different speeds. Also includes a helpful 16 page instruction booklet with rhythm charts and soloing tips for each song.
Product# LJ2
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More info on Country and Bluegrass Jam TracksBuy Country and Bluegrass Jam Tracks Now!List Price: US $9.95Our Price: US $9.50

Dobro: A Guide to Repertoire and Technique - DVD 2
Dobro: A Guide to Repertoire and Technique - DVD 2
Stacy Phillips moves into more advanced territory as he discusses drones, scale patterns, and other techniques, now with an emphasis on using bar slants and string pulls to create more complex chords and effects. Songs: Cherokee Shuffle, Bill Cheathem, Last Rose of Autumn. Includes tab. Intermediate level. 75 minutes. Download now from!
Product# 641971
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More info on Dobro: A Guide to Repertoire and Technique - DVD 2Buy Dobro: A Guide to Repertoire and Technique - DVD 2 Now!List Price: US $29.95Our Price: US $27.95

Dobro: A Guide to Repertoire And Technique - Two-DVD Set
Dobro: A Guide to Repertoire And Technique - Two-DVD Set
DVD One: This lesson in resonator guitar will have intermediate-level players picking better than they ever dreamed they could! DVD Two: Stacy moves into more advanced territory as he discusses drones, scale patterns, and other techniques, now with an emphasis on using bar slants and string pulls to create more complex chords and effects. Download now from!
Product# 641965
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More info on Dobro: A Guide to Repertoire And Technique - Two-DVD SetBuy Dobro: A Guide to Repertoire And Technique - Two-DVD Set Now!List Price: US $49.95Our Price: US $46.95

Fiddle For The Absolute Beginner
Fiddle For The Absolute Beginner
This two-hour starter course takes the mystery out of fiddle playing for any new player. Fiddle champion Jim Wood shows proper posture and body alignment, how to hold the fiddle and bow, tune up, and start fingering notes. Download now from!
Product# 642098
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Fiddle Primer
Fiddle Primer
Fiddle Primer Book by Jim Tolles (companion to the video) is the first book clearly showing the beginner how to play the fiddle. Includes many illustrations showing how to hold the bow and fiddle properly and many exercises to develop good bowing technique and learning how to play in tune. Great beginnner fiddle lessons.
Product# FP
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Fiddle Tunes For Flatpickers
Fiddle Tunes For Flatpickers
25 Traditional Fiddle Tunes Newly Arranged for Bluegrass Guitar. Flatpicking guitar style delivers the clean, sharp solo sound that defined some of the greatest bluegrass recordings of the 1950s. Now you can learn to play famous fiddle tunes specially arranged for guitar.
Product# OK65142
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Fiddling Around the World
Fiddling Around the World
Play along with a lively Irish session, a spirited Ukrainian hopak, a tantalizing Arabic belly dance, a famous Italian tarantella, a Klezmer hora, and over 50 other international favorites! This book/CD features vibrant folk music from North America, the British Isles, Western and Eastern Europe, and the Middle East.
Product# 95536BCD
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Fingerpicking Fiddle Tunes For Fingerstyle Guitar
Fingerpicking Fiddle Tunes For Fingerstyle Guitar
With this book/CD pack, Ken Perlman presents a systematic approach to playing classic fiddle tunes fingerstyle on the guitar. Learn hoedowns, reels, set tunes, marches, hornpipes, jigs, strathspeys and airs from a pioneer of the style!
Product# 000294
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More info on Fingerpicking Fiddle Tunes For Fingerstyle GuitarBuy Fingerpicking Fiddle Tunes For Fingerstyle Guitar Now!List Price: US $19.95Our Price: US $18.95

First Jams: Fiddle
First Jams: Fiddle
The First Jam series was created to give children and beginners of all ages a book of simple, common tunes to learn. These are standard "Jam" tunes in the Bluegrass/Old Time music styles. All the books in this series are written in the same keys; they can all be played together without any problems. So get your friends or family who play guitar, fiddle, mandolin, banjo, ukulele, dulcimer or Dobro together, grab these books and start jamming.
Product# 22079BCD
More info on First Jams: FiddleBuy First Jams: Fiddle Now!List Price: US $14.99Our Price: US $13.99

Folk And Country Waltzes For Fiddle
Folk And Country Waltzes For Fiddle
There are 50 well known waltzes fully notated in the book and played on the CD with a full backing band. These pieces are all easy to learn. If you do not read music well (or at all) you can pick up the melody from the CD.
Product# FCWF
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More info on Folk And Country Waltzes For FiddleBuy Folk And Country Waltzes For Fiddle Now!List Price: US $19.95Our Price: US $18.95

Herschel Sizemore AcuTab DVD
Herschel Sizemore AcuTab DVD
Learn at the feet of a bluegrass legend! Bluegrass mandolin pioneer Herschel Sizemore demonstrates his unique style on 11 great mandolin tunes - five familiar fiddle tunes and 6 Sizemore originals. Alan Bibey is also featured, leading Herschel through a discussion and demonstration of the tunes and techniques. Tab/notation booklet included. 2 hour DVD. Download from!
Product# D-HS-1
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More info on Herschel Sizemore AcuTab DVDBuy Herschel Sizemore AcuTab DVD Now!List Price: US $35.00Our Price: US $33.00

Intro To The Mandolin
Intro To The Mandolin
A methodology approach focuses on building technique first and playing melodies later. Learn the basic building blocks of playing before attempting to play over your head: chording, rhythm, scales and playing leads. Begins with features of the mandolin, adjusting the action to fit your playing style and tuning. New lower price!
Product# WOWMAN1
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Intro To The Violin / Fiddle
Intro To The Violin / Fiddle
A methodology approach focuses on building technique first and playing melodies later. This instruction video begins with setting up the violin, adjusting the bridge, priming the bow, tuning, and more. New lower price!
Product# WOWFID1
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More info on Intro To The Violin / FiddleBuy Intro To The Violin / Fiddle Now!List Price: US $39.95Our Price: US $28.95

Irish Fiddle Bundle Pack
Irish Fiddle Bundle Pack
Includes 20 Irish Fiddle Tunes (Book/CD) and Learn to Play Irish Fiddle (DVD) Series: Homespun Tapes Publisher: Homespun Format: Book & CD & DVD Package Artist: Kevin Burke
Product# 126038
More info on Irish Fiddle Bundle PackBuy Irish Fiddle Bundle Pack Now!List Price: US $44.95Our Price: US $43.95

Irish Session Tunes The Blue Book
Irish Session Tunes The Blue Book
In an Irish session, tunes are played in sets and unless you know how to get from one tune to the next you'll crash! Based on the many sessions he's played in or listened to, Brid Cranitch has selected 100 tunes in 40 sets of 2, 3 or 4 tunes so that you can learn the tunes and work on transitions.
Product# OMB85
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Learn To Play Old Time Fiddle 1
Learn To Play Old Time Fiddle 1
Brad Leftwich, one of the foremost old-time fiddlers in the US, teaches the fundamentals of traditional "downbow" fiddling. He shows how to produce the flowing, rhythmic sound that has delighted square dancers and music lovers for generations. Aimed at early-intermediate players, will benefit all fiddlers seeking a grounding in the basics of old-time fiddle style. Download now from!
Product# 641727
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Learn To Play Old Time Fiddle 2
Learn To Play Old Time Fiddle 2
Brad continues his exploration of traditional downbow fiddling, teaching: Citico, Breaking Up Christmas, Johnny Don't Get Drunk, Rocky Road to Dublin, Little Maggie, Boll Weevil, Wagner, Chicken Reel and Blackberry Blossom. Helps learning players produce a truly authentic sound, continue a vital tradition and have fun in the process! Download now from!
Product# 641728
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Learn To Play Old Time Fiddle 2 DVD Set
Learn To Play Old Time Fiddle 2 DVD Set
Complete 2 DVD set by Brad Leftwich, one of the foremost old-time fiddlers in the United States. Download now from!
Product# 641730
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Learn To Play The Irish Mandolin
Learn To Play The Irish Mandolin
An ideal instructional DVD for anyone wanting to play Irish music. Includes jigs, reels, hornpipes, plus picking techniques. Anthony Warde shows you step by step how to play Irish traditional music on the mandolin. Each solo is then played live on the stage accompanied by some of Ireland's foremost musicians. Complete with live stage performances featuring... Vinnie Kilduff - whistle, Steve Cooney - guitar, Gerry O'Connor - fiddle, Peter Browne - button accordion.
Product# WM1442DVD
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More info on Learn To Play The Irish MandolinBuy Learn To Play The Irish Mandolin Now!List Price: US $32.95Our Price: US $30.95

Mandolin Fiddle Tunes #1
Mandolin Fiddle Tunes #1
Learn how to play 10 Easy Bluegrass Fiddle Tunes for Mandolin designed to help you develop your personal solo designing skills. Downlaod now from !
Product# 8020
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Mandolin Fiddle Tunes #2
Mandolin Fiddle Tunes #2
Learn how to play 10 Easy Bluegrass Fiddle Tunes for Mandolin designed to help you develop your personal solo designing skills.
Product# 8023
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Melodic Clawhammer Banjo
Melodic Clawhammer Banjo
Ken Perlman, today's foremost player of the style, brings you this comprehensive guide to the melodic clawhammer. Over 50 tunes in clear tablature..
Product# 000412
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Monroe Instrumentals:  25 Bill Monroe
Monroe Instrumentals: 25 Bill Monroe
This book is a collection of transcriptions in notation and tablature taken from classic instrumentals recorded over a span of 40 years, from the early 1940s to the early 1980s. It functions as a 'fake book' for bluegrass students to learn the original melody or to study Monroe's playing style.
Product# 99962
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More info on Monroe Instrumentals:  25 Bill MonroeBuy Monroe Instrumentals:  25 Bill Monroe Now!List Price: US $14.95Our Price: US $13.95

Mountain Dulcimer
Mountain Dulcimer
This book is a collection of traditional folksongs, Irish and American fiddle tunes, adaptations of classical pieces, and original songs. The songs combine melody lines in standard notation with suggested chords for accompaniment. Intermediate.
Product# 93859BCD
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Murphy Method Learning To Hear Chord Changes
Murphy Method Learning To Hear Chord Changes
NEW! For banjo, mandolin, fiddle, and guitar. This brand-new DVD will help you learn to hear those chord changes! Even if you've never heard a chord change before in your life! Now you can jam with confidence, even to songs you don't know. Starts with easy 2-chord songs and moves to 3-chord songs.
Product# 21714DVD
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Parking Lot Pickers Songbook: Fiddle Edition
Parking Lot Pickers Songbook: Fiddle Edition
A collection of over 225 great Bluegrass, Old Time, Country and Gospel standards. Melodies are presented with standard notation along with lyrics and chords. Learn to play songs written and recorded by the giants of traditional American music: Bill Monroe, The Stanley Brothers, Flatt & Scruggs, Ralph Stanley, The Osborne Brothers. Jimmy Martin, Doc Watson and many more. Also included: Step-by-Step instruction on how to transpose any song to any key! The two CDs include recordings of EVERY song in the book. Standard notation.
Product# 21662BCD
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More info on Parking Lot Pickers Songbook: Fiddle EditionBuy Parking Lot Pickers Songbook: Fiddle Edition Now!List Price: US $34.99Our Price: US $32.99
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