Ken Eidson, co-author of Complete Jethro Burns
Mandolin Book studied with Jethro Burns for two years before being asked
to be his musical partner. "For the next five years," Eidson
exults, "I was paid to learn from him!" In this book, Ken has
accurately transcribed Jethro Burns' unique mandolin style. Carefully
selected exercises are sprinkled throughout the book in preparation for
specific tunes. No effort is spared in clarifying technical concepts. This is
a must-have book for any serious student of the bluegrass mandolin.
Index of Tunes
All Strung Out
Amazing Grace
America the Beautiful
Annie Laurie
Aura Lee
Back Up and Push
Bile Them Cabbage Down
Billy Boy
Black and Blues
Blackberry Blossom
Blackberry Blossom- High Version
Boll Weevil
Bridge Work
Butter Fingers
Camptown Races
Careless Love
Chicken Reel
Cripple Creek
Cross Country
Cumberland Gap
Devil's Dream
Dirty Old Mandolin
Don't Let Your Deal Go Down
Fickle Fingers
Fisher's Hornpipe
Flickin' My Pick
Flop Eared Mule
For He's a Jolly Good Fellow
Goin' Down that Road Feelin' Bad
Golden Slippers
Grandfather's Clock
Hell Amongst the Yearlings
I've been Workin' on the Railroad
Jesse James
Jethro's Tune
John Hardy
June Apple
Just a Closer Walk
Listen to the Mockingbird
Litterbug Waltz
Little Brown Jug
Londonderry Air
Mando Bleu
Mississippi Mod
Mississippi Sawyer
My Old Kentucky Home
Nellie Bly
Nellie Gray
Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen
Old Joe Clark
Old Time Religion
Paddy on the Turnpike
Pop Goes the Weasel
Raunchy Old Rag
Ruben Sandwich
Rickett's Reel
Sailor's Hornpipe
Sam's Bush
Scotch Plaid
Shift of Wit
Slim Pickin'
Soldier's Joy
Swanee River
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
Tater-Bug Rag
Tennessee Wagoner
When Johnny Comes Marching Home
Will the Circle Be Unbroken
Yellow Rose of Texas