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ADG Productions

A.D.G. Productions was formed, by its owner Andrew Gordon, in 1990 when he created his first book "Outstanding Blues and Jazz Compositions. Andrew Gordon s actively involved in working with other authors/musicians in producing music educational products of the highest quality. He is always on the lookout for talented individuals that have interesting ideas that can be formulated into a book no matter what instrument or style. Learn your favorite instrument today with a title by ADG Productions.

Items [13]
Christmas Music For Guitar - Bluegrass Books & DVD's
Christmas Music For Guitar - Bluegrass Books & DVD's
Book/CD pack. 17 traditional Christmas carols arranged for fingerstyle guitar. Songs are presented in separate notation and tablature sections. Intermediate/advanced. Comb-bound. 74 pp.
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More info on Christmas Music For Guitar - Bluegrass Books & DVD'sBuy Christmas Music For Guitar - Bluegrass Books & DVD's Now!List Price: US $19.95Our Price: US $18.95

Folk & Country Waltzes For Guitar - Bluegrass Books & DVD's
Folk & Country Waltzes For Guitar - Bluegrass Books & DVD's
There are 50 well known waltzes fully notated in the book and played on the CD with a full backing band. Play-a-long tracks including melody line played by another instrument.
Product# FCWG
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More info on Folk & Country Waltzes For Guitar - Bluegrass Books & DVD'sBuy Folk & Country Waltzes For Guitar - Bluegrass Books & DVD's Now!List Price: US $19.95Our Price: US $18.95

Incomplete Celtic Guitar - Bluegrass Books & DVD's
Incomplete Celtic Guitar - Bluegrass Books & DVD's
The Incomplete Celtic Guitar," Dan has arranged traditional Irish & Scottish dance tunes and airs for flatpicking guitar. He has made sure to maintain the traditional flavor of these tunes, with ideas for Celtic ornamentation and clearly notated fingerings.
Product# ICGUIT
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More info on Incomplete Celtic Guitar - Bluegrass Books & DVD'sBuy Incomplete Celtic Guitar - Bluegrass Books & DVD's Now!List Price: US $18.95Our Price: US $17.95

Christmas Music For Mandolin - Bluegrass Books & DVD's
Christmas Music For Mandolin - Bluegrass Books & DVD's
Book/CD pack. 21 pieces that work wonderfully as solos or with a friend as there are chords included for all the pieces. CD has both a mandolin track and a separate track for a guitar accompaniment with stereo separation. Note/tab. 39 pp.
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More info on Christmas Music For Mandolin - Bluegrass Books & DVD'sBuy Christmas Music For Mandolin - Bluegrass Books & DVD's Now!List Price: US $17.95Our Price: US $16.95

Celtic Music For Mandolin - Bluegrass Books & DVD's
Celtic Music For Mandolin - Bluegrass Books & DVD's
In this collection by Allan Alexander and Jessica Walsh you will find traditional music, pieces by Carolan, and also pieces that were written for lute and mandora over 400 years ago.
Product# CMMAN
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More info on Celtic Music For Mandolin - Bluegrass Books & DVD'sBuy Celtic Music For Mandolin - Bluegrass Books & DVD's Now!List Price: US $22.95Our Price: US $19.95

Early Dance Music For Mandolin - Bluegrass Books & DVD's
Early Dance Music For Mandolin - Bluegrass Books & DVD's
This book came about because Allan has had many requests for more early dance music. Many of the pieces in this book are from the Playford collections. The Playford collections were published in the early Baroque period, but many of the pieces in the books already existed in the Renaissance.
Product# EDMM
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More info on Early Dance Music For Mandolin - Bluegrass Books & DVD'sBuy Early Dance Music For Mandolin - Bluegrass Books & DVD's Now!List Price: US $22.95Our Price: US $21.95

Folk & Country Waltzes For Mandolin - Bluegrass Books & DVD's
Folk & Country Waltzes For Mandolin - Bluegrass Books & DVD's
There are 50 well known waltzes fully notated in the book and played on the CD with a full backing band. These pieces are all easy to learn. If you do not read music well (or at all) you can pick up the melody from the CD. The book can be used to build a repertoire of waltz music. At live engagements, especially weddings, the audience will always ask for a few waltzes.
Product# FCWM
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More info on Folk & Country Waltzes For Mandolin - Bluegrass Books & DVD'sBuy Folk & Country Waltzes For Mandolin - Bluegrass Books & DVD's Now!List Price: US $19.95Our Price: US $18.95

Renaissance Music For Mandolin - Bluegrass Books & DVD's
Renaissance Music For Mandolin - Bluegrass Books & DVD's
This book provides the mandolin player with a unique opportunity to play a wide variety of Renaissance music including many lute pieces.
Product# RENM
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More info on Renaissance Music For Mandolin - Bluegrass Books & DVD'sBuy Renaissance Music For Mandolin - Bluegrass Books & DVD's Now!List Price: US $16.95Our Price: US $15.95

The Incomplete Celtic Mandolin - Bluegrass Books & DVD's
The Incomplete Celtic Mandolin - Bluegrass Books & DVD's
Dan has arranged traditional Irish & Scottish dance tunes and airs. He has made sure to maintain the traditional flavor of these tunes, with ideas for Celtic ornamentation and clearly notated fingerings. This is one of the few books with mandolin settings of traditional Celtic music.
Product# ICM
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More info on The Incomplete Celtic Mandolin - Bluegrass Books & DVD'sBuy The Incomplete Celtic Mandolin - Bluegrass Books & DVD's Now!List Price: US $18.95Our Price: US $17.95

Celtic Music For Fiddle - Bluegrass Books & DVD's
Celtic Music For Fiddle - Bluegrass Books & DVD's
Celtic Music For Fiddle by Miles Courtiere features 35 Celtic pieces from various parts of the Celtic world. All of the pieces are dance music, jigs, reels, slides, hornpipes etc. All of the pieces were originally played on the fiddle.
Product# CMFCD
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More info on Celtic Music For Fiddle - Bluegrass Books & DVD'sBuy Celtic Music For Fiddle - Bluegrass Books & DVD's Now!List Price: US $17.95Our Price: US $16.95

Favorite Celtic Melodies For Fiddle - Bluegrass Books & DVD's
Favorite Celtic Melodies For Fiddle - Bluegrass Books & DVD's
Favorite Celtic Melodies for Fiddle by Miles Courtiere is a follow up book to the popular Celtic Music for Fiddle. The aim of the book is to provide Fiddlers interested in learning Celtic pieces a wide range of simple and easy to remember melodies while providing a range of different moods, tempos and rhythms.
Product# FCMF
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More info on Favorite Celtic Melodies For Fiddle - Bluegrass Books & DVD'sBuy Favorite Celtic Melodies For Fiddle - Bluegrass Books & DVD's Now!List Price: US $19.95Our Price: US $18.95

Folk And Country Waltzes For Fiddle - Bluegrass Books & DVD's
Folk And Country Waltzes For Fiddle - Bluegrass Books & DVD's
There are 50 well known waltzes fully notated in the book and played on the CD with a full backing band. These pieces are all easy to learn. If you do not read music well (or at all) you can pick up the melody from the CD.
Product# FCWF
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More info on Folk And Country Waltzes For Fiddle - Bluegrass Books & DVD'sBuy Folk And Country Waltzes For Fiddle - Bluegrass Books & DVD's Now!List Price: US $19.95Our Price: US $18.95

The Townsend Old Time Fiddle Method - Bluegrass Books & DVD's
The Townsend Old Time Fiddle Method - Bluegrass Books & DVD's
Old Time Fiddle Method This book takes the novice right though all the fundamentqal steps. Loaded with over 75 traditional Canadian, Scottish and Irish tunes for building a great repertiore.
Product# OTFB
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More info on The Townsend Old Time Fiddle Method - Bluegrass Books & DVD'sBuy The Townsend Old Time Fiddle Method - Bluegrass Books & DVD's Now!List Price: US $19.95Our Price: US $18.95
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