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Glasser Violin Bows

The Glasser Bow company traces its roots back to 1938, when Leon Glasser began handcrafting wooden bows in his small Bronx, New York workshop. Much has changed since that time, but their commitment to excellence is as strong as ever. Glasser Bows believes strongly in the quality of our products. They offer a limited lifetime guarantee on all bows made after 2003. This guarantee covers any defects, but does not cover normal wear on horsehairs or damage caused by abuse or neglect.

Items [2]
Glasser Fiberglass Horsehair Bows - Bluegrass Accessories
Glasser Fiberglass Horsehair Bows - Bluegrass Accessories
Fiberglass violin bow with horsehair, plastic frog and leatherette grip. Fiberglass bows are a good alternative to inexpensive wood bows. They are more durable, will not warp, and are a great value for beginning students.
Product# 201H
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More info on Glasser Fiberglass Horsehair Bows - Bluegrass AccessoriesBuy Glasser Fiberglass Horsehair Bows - Bluegrass Accessories Now!List Price: US $52.50Our Price: US $39.95

Glasser Real Horsehair Bow - Bluegrass Accessories
Glasser Real Horsehair Bow - Bluegrass Accessories
Fiberglass violin bow with horsehair, plastic frog and leatherette grip. Fiberglass bows are a good alternative to inexpensive wood bows. They are more durable, will not warp, and are a great value for beginning students.
Product# 203H
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More info on Glasser Real Horsehair Bow - Bluegrass AccessoriesBuy Glasser Real Horsehair Bow - Bluegrass Accessories Now!List Price: US $67.20Our Price: US $49.95
Clear Choice, LLC
40 Olde Springs Road
Columbia, SC 29223
803-467-5233 M-F 9-5 EST
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