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Band In A Book: Gospel Vocal Tunes for Bluegrass Ensemble
Band In A Book: Gospel Vocal Tunes for Bluegrass Ensemble
List Price: US $24.95
Our Price: US $22.95
You Save: US $2.00
Manufacturer: Mel Bay Publications
SKU: 20424BCD
The idea here is to help coordinate the pickers so you all have solos to play and they can be played in the same key. What a concept - a "Band in the Book". Within these pages you will find solos for the entire band: lead guitar, rhythm guitar, banjo, mandolin, fiddle and bass. The mandolin and fiddle share the same tunings so their solos are just written once for both. If you are just starting out and you are having difficulty-finding solos for your level - look no more. These solos are written for the beginner level student assuming you can already play a few simple solos or lead breaks. This series will help you to learn solos on multiple instruments, help organize ensemble play, help develop a steady sense of timing and give you hours of enjoyment as well.

  • Amazing Grace
  • Angel Band
  • Bury Me Beneath the Willow
  • Cryin' Holy Unto the Lord
  • I Am a Pilgrim
  • I'll Fly Away
  • Old Rugged Cross
  • What a Friend We Have in Jesus
  • When the Saints Go Marching In (Banjo,Lead & Rhythm)
  • When the Saints Go Marching In (Mandolin, Fiddle and Bass)
  • Will the Circle Be Unbroken

For E-Book + Online Audio $19.99 Click Buy Band In A Book: Gospel Vocal Tunes for Bluegrass Ensemble Now

Jamming Instruction Related Products
Band In A Book: Bluegrass Vocals for Bluegrass Ensemble
Band In A Book: Bluegrass Vocals for Bluegrass Ensemble
The idea here is to help coordinate the pickers so you all have solos to play and they can be played in the same key. What a concept - a "Band in the Book". Within these pages you will find solos for the entire band: lead guitar, rhythm guitar, banjo, mandolin, fiddle and bass. If you are just starting out and you are having difficulty-finding solos for your level - look no more. These solos are written for the beginner level student assuming you can already play a few simple solos or lead breaks. This series will help you to learn solos on multiple instruments, help organize ensemble play, help develop a steady sense of timing and give you hours of enjoyment as well.

For E-Book + Online Audio $19.99 Click Buy Band In A Book: Bluegrass Vocals for Bluegrass Ensemble Now

Product# 20425BCD
More info on Band In A Book: Bluegrass Vocals for Bluegrass EnsembleBuy Band In A Book: Bluegrass Vocals for Bluegrass Ensemble Now!List Price: US $24.95Our Price: US $22.95
Bluegrass Slow Jam for the Total Beginner
Bluegrass Slow Jam for the Total Beginner
An Ultra-Easy, No-Fail Play-Along Session. Any level, any instrument. Seventeen classic songs are played at a slow, easy tempo. Only four basic chords (G, C, D and A) are needed to be able to play along with the band. Includes important tips, advice and encouragement.
Product# 641916
More info on Bluegrass Slow Jam for the Total BeginnerBuy Bluegrass Slow Jam for the Total Beginner Now!List Price: US $29.95Our Price: US $27.95
Bluegrass Jamming DVD
Bluegrass Jamming DVD
Pete Wernick has the perfect solution for novice bluegrass players who want to start jamming, or for any picker wanting to build experience and confidence. He has created a video jam session so that players of any level can play along with some experienced musicians and get ready for the real thing.
Product# 641558
More info on Bluegrass Jamming DVDBuy Bluegrass Jamming DVD Now!List Price: US $29.95Our Price: US $27.95
Intermediate Bluegrass Jamming
Intermediate Bluegrass Jamming
This continuation of Pete Dr. Banjo Wernick's popular series features a professional bluegrass band providing back-up to favorite jam session songs. Beginning to intermediate players will get the practice they need to join in the fun. For early intermediate level players. 2 hours.
Product# 641950
More info on Intermediate Bluegrass JammingBuy Intermediate Bluegrass Jamming Now!List Price: US $29.95Our Price: US $27.95
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