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Jamming Instruction

Learn how to jam with bluegrass music! Have a jam session with your friends with any instrument, including banjo, guitar, bass, fiddle, mandolin and dobro. Most players never get to the level of playing in a professional band, but want to get good enough to be able to be in a bluegrass jam session or pickin' party with their friends. Bluegrass jamming instruction includes lessons on timing, etiquette, creating your own solos and playing backup.

A great way to learn new songs with your friends! All of these books have the same songs so you can learn together or own your own, and then have a jam session! Guitar, banjo, mandolin and dobro.
Items [30]
All Star Bluegrass Jam Along For Guitar
All Star Bluegrass Jam Along For Guitar
These fabulous collections for players of all levels feature 21 must-know bluegrss songs & instrumentals, created especially for learning players by the genre's leading artists. The artist plays a basic solo that states the melody of the tune, then a more adventurous improvisation, and each solo is transcribed in detail.
Product# 641943
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More info on All Star Bluegrass Jam Along For GuitarBuy All Star Bluegrass Jam Along For Guitar Now!List Price: US $19.95Our Price: US $18.95

All Star Bluegrass Jam Along For Banjo
All Star Bluegrass Jam Along For Banjo
These fabulous collections for players of all levels feature 21 must-know bluegrass songs & instrumentals, created especially for learning players by the genre's leading artists. The artist plays a basic solo that states the melody of the tune, then a more adventurous improvisation, and each solo is transcribed in detail.
Product# 641944
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More info on All Star Bluegrass Jam Along For BanjoBuy All Star Bluegrass Jam Along For Banjo Now!List Price: US $19.95Our Price: US $18.95

All Star Bluegrass Jam Along For Mandolin
All Star Bluegrass Jam Along For Mandolin
These fabulous collections for players of all levels feature 21 must-know bluegrss songs & instrumentals, created especially for learning players by the genre's leading artists. The artist plays a basic solo that states the melody of the tune, then a more adventurous improvisation, and each solo is transcribed in detail.
Product# 641945
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More info on All Star Bluegrass Jam Along For MandolinBuy All Star Bluegrass Jam Along For Mandolin Now!List Price: US $19.95Our Price: US $18.95

All Star Bluegrass Jam Along For Fiddle
All Star Bluegrass Jam Along For Fiddle
These fabulous collections for players of all levels feature 21 must-know bluegrss songs & instrumentals, created especially for learning players by the genre's leading artists. The artist plays a basic solo that states the melody of the tune, then a more adventurous improvisation, and each solo is transcribed in detail.
Product# 641946
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More info on All Star Bluegrass Jam Along For FiddleBuy All Star Bluegrass Jam Along For Fiddle Now!List Price: US $19.95Our Price: US $18.95

All Star Bluegrass Jam Along For Bass
All Star Bluegrass Jam Along For Bass
These fabulous collections for players of all levels feature 21 must-know bluegrss songs & instrumentals, created especially for learning players by the genre's leading artists. The artist plays a basic solo that states the melody of the tune, then a more adventurous improvisation, and each solo is transcribed in detail.
Product# 641947
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More info on All Star Bluegrass Jam Along For BassBuy All Star Bluegrass Jam Along For Bass Now!List Price: US $19.95Our Price: US $18.95

Band In A Book: Gospel Vocal Tunes for Bluegrass Ensemble
Band In A Book: Gospel Vocal Tunes for Bluegrass Ensemble
What a concept - a "Band in the Book". Within these pages you will find solos for the entire band: lead guitar, rhythm guitar, banjo, mandolin, fiddle and bass. The mandolin and fiddle share the same tunings so their solos are just written once for both. If you are just starting out and you are having difficulty-finding solos for your level - look no more. These solos are written for the beginner level student assuming you can already play a few simple solos or lead breaks.

For E-Book + Online Audio $19.99 Click Buy Band In A Book: Gospel Vocal Tunes for Bluegrass Ensemble Now

Product# 20424BCD
More info on Band In A Book: Gospel Vocal Tunes for Bluegrass EnsembleBuy Band In A Book: Gospel Vocal Tunes for Bluegrass Ensemble Now!List Price: US $24.95Our Price: US $22.95

Band In A Book: Bluegrass Vocals for Bluegrass Ensemble
Band In A Book: Bluegrass Vocals for Bluegrass Ensemble
The idea here is to help coordinate the pickers so you all have solos to play and they can be played in the same key. What a concept - a "Band in the Book". Within these pages you will find solos for the entire band: lead guitar, rhythm guitar, banjo, mandolin, fiddle and bass. If you are just starting out and you are having difficulty-finding solos for your level - look no more. These solos are written for the beginner level student assuming you can already play a few simple solos or lead breaks. This series will help you to learn solos on multiple instruments, help organize ensemble play, help develop a steady sense of timing and give you hours of enjoyment as well.

For E-Book + Online Audio $19.99 Click Buy Band In A Book: Bluegrass Vocals for Bluegrass Ensemble Now

Product# 20425BCD
More info on Band In A Book: Bluegrass Vocals for Bluegrass EnsembleBuy Band In A Book: Bluegrass Vocals for Bluegrass Ensemble Now!List Price: US $24.95Our Price: US $22.95

Band In A Book: Bluegrass Instrumentals
Band In A Book: Bluegrass Instrumentals
The idea here is to help coordinate the pickers so you all have solos to play and they can be played in the same key. What a concept - a "Band in the Book". Within these pages you will find solos for the entire band: lead guitar, rhythm guitar, banjo, mandolin, fiddle and bass. If you are just starting out and you are having difficulty-finding solos for your level - look no more. These solos are written for the beginner level student assuming you can already play a few simple solos or lead breaks. This series will help you to learn solos on multiple instruments, help organize ensemble play, help develop a steady sense of timing and give you hours of enjoyment as well.

For E-Book + Online Audio $19.99 Click Buy Band In A Book: Bluegrass Instrumentals Now

Product# 20426BCD
More info on Band In A Book: Bluegrass InstrumentalsBuy Band In A Book: Bluegrass Instrumentals Now!List Price: US $24.95Our Price: US $22.95

Steve Kaufman's Four-Hour Bluegrass Workout, Volume One
Steve Kaufman's Four-Hour Bluegrass Workout, Volume One
Here's a great way to improve your picking, build up speed and stamina, and get those licks and solos working – no matter what instrument you play! Whether you are a professional or a “parking lot” player, these fabulous sessions will get your fingers in shape – fast! On the four CDs, you have a dedicated bluegrass band on the right speaker to give you solid back-up to 49 great tunes, both slowed-down and up-to-speed. The lead part can be heard in the left channel.
Product# 641379
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More info on Steve Kaufman's Four-Hour Bluegrass Workout, Volume OneBuy Steve Kaufman's Four-Hour Bluegrass Workout, Volume One Now!List Price: US $44.95Our Price: US $41.95

Steve Kaufman's Four-Hour Bluegrass Workout, Volume Two
Steve Kaufman's Four-Hour Bluegrass Workout, Volume Two
This follow-up to Steve Kaufman's hot-selling CD series (#641379) features jammer-friendly backup tracks to fifty traditional bluegrass and old-time favorites, played in slowed-down and up-to-speed versions. Learning players get a band to help them get their chops together on 50 great songs.
Product# 642067
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More info on Steve Kaufman's Four-Hour Bluegrass Workout, Volume TwoBuy Steve Kaufman's Four-Hour Bluegrass Workout, Volume Two Now!List Price: US $44.95Our Price: US $41.95

Bluegrass Jamming DVD
Bluegrass Jamming DVD
Pete Wernick has the perfect solution for novice bluegrass players who want to start jamming, or for any picker wanting to build experience and confidence. He has created a video jam session so that players of any level can play along with some experienced musicians and get ready for the real thing.
Product# 641558
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More info on Bluegrass Jamming DVDBuy Bluegrass Jamming DVD Now!List Price: US $29.95Our Price: US $27.95

Bluegrass Slow Jam for the Total Beginner
Bluegrass Slow Jam for the Total Beginner
An Ultra-Easy, No-Fail Play-Along Session. Any level, any instrument. Seventeen classic songs are played at a slow, easy tempo. Only four basic chords (G, C, D and A) are needed to be able to play along with the band. Includes important tips, advice and encouragement.
Product# 641916
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More info on Bluegrass Slow Jam for the Total BeginnerBuy Bluegrass Slow Jam for the Total Beginner Now!List Price: US $29.95Our Price: US $27.95

Intermediate Bluegrass Jamming
Intermediate Bluegrass Jamming
This continuation of Pete Dr. Banjo Wernick's popular series features a professional bluegrass band providing back-up to favorite jam session songs. Beginning to intermediate players will get the practice they need to join in the fun. For early intermediate level players. 2 hours.
Product# 641950
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More info on Intermediate Bluegrass JammingBuy Intermediate Bluegrass Jamming Now!List Price: US $29.95Our Price: US $27.95

Murphy Method Slow Jam with Murphy and Casey
Murphy Method Slow Jam with Murphy and Casey
Slow Jam With Murphy and Casey You just wanna jam. Why does that seem to be so hard? Is it because nobody plays slow enough? Because nobody will keep playing the same tunes over and over till you can get the hang of it? Slow Jam with Murphy and Casey is the answer to all your jamming woes! This brand-new DVD features Murphy Henry (banjo) and Casey Henry (guitar) along with friends on fiddle and mandolin playing 17 songs at slow speeds. You can chord along, play the lead with Murphy, or play a solo break in the space left just for you. Can be used with any instrument. Almost two hours of jamming fun!
Product# 21709DVD
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More info on Murphy Method Slow Jam with Murphy and CaseyBuy Murphy Method Slow Jam with Murphy and Casey Now!List Price: US $29.95Our Price: US $27.95

Murphy Method Picking Up The Pace
Murphy Method Picking Up The Pace
You enjoyed our first Slow Jam DVD so much, we're back with another! Picking Up the Pace features Murphy and Casey along with David McLaughlin on mandolin and Malia Furtado on fiddle, playing an assortment of jam tunes at a slightly quicker pace. Still slow. though! Includes I Saw the Light, Salty Dog, Old Home Place, Girl of Constant Sorrow, Nine-Pound Hammer, Mama Don't Allow, and many more in several keys. Great for beginners and intermediates! No TAB.
Product# 21966DVD
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More info on Murphy Method Picking Up The PaceBuy Murphy Method Picking Up The Pace Now!List Price: US $29.95Our Price: US $27.95

Bluegrass Practice Session
Bluegrass Practice Session
Here are solid back-ups to ten popular bluegrass instrumentals, recorded to provide practice for the lead fiddler, banjo picker, mandolinist or guitarist. Bill Keith, Happy Traum, Larry Campbell and Molly Mason play each tune several times through in both slowed-down and up-to-tempo versions.
Product# 641514
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More info on Bluegrass Practice SessionBuy Bluegrass Practice Session Now!List Price: US $19.95Our Price: US $18.95

Murphy Method Learning To Hear Chord Changes
Murphy Method Learning To Hear Chord Changes
NEW! For banjo, mandolin, fiddle, and guitar. This brand-new DVD will help you learn to hear those chord changes! Even if you've never heard a chord change before in your life! Now you can jam with confidence, even to songs you don't know. Starts with easy 2-chord songs and moves to 3-chord songs.
Product# 21714DVD
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More info on Murphy Method Learning To Hear Chord ChangesBuy Murphy Method Learning To Hear Chord Changes Now!List Price: US $29.95Our Price: US $27.95

Bluegrass Jam Session
Bluegrass Jam Session
Get in shape and ready for the next jam session or bluegrass festival with this new practice tape. Joe Carr and Alan Munde, along with the band, perform 15 songs for you to practice with and they explain each instrument's role in each song as well as provide tabulature for selected solos and backup parts as played on the banjo, mandolin, fiddle, guitar, and bass.
Product# JJ-60DVD
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More info on Bluegrass Jam SessionBuy Bluegrass Jam Session Now!List Price: US $29.95Our Price: US $27.95

First Jams Flatpick Guitar
First Jams Flatpick Guitar
The First Jam series was created to give children and beginners of all ages a book of simple, common tunes to learn. These are standard “Jam” tunes in the Bluegrass/Old Time music styles. All the books in this series are written in the same keys; they can all be played together without any problems. So get your friends or family who play guitar, mandolin, banjo, ukulele, dulcimer or Dobro together, grab these books and start jamming.
Product# 21509BCD
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More info on First Jams Flatpick GuitarBuy First Jams Flatpick Guitar Now!List Price: US $14.95Our Price: US $13.95

First Jams Banjo
First Jams Banjo
The First Jam series was created to give children and beginners of all ages a book of simple, common tunes to learn. These are standard “Jam” tunes in the Bluegrass/Old Time music styles. All the books in this series are written in the same keys; they can all be played together without any problems. So get your friends or family who play guitar, mandolin, banjo, ukulele, dulcimer or Dobro together, grab these books and start jamming.
Product# 21510BCD
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More info on First Jams BanjoBuy First Jams Banjo Now!List Price: US $14.95Our Price: US $13.95

First Jams Mandolin
First Jams Mandolin
The First Jam series was created to give children and beginners of all ages a book of simple, common tunes to learn. These are standard “Jam” tunes in the Bluegrass/Old Time music styles. All the books in this series are written in the same keys; they can all be played together without any problems. So get your friends or family who play guitar, mandolin, banjo, ukulele, dulcimer or Dobro together, grab these books and start jamming.
Product# 21511BCD
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More info on First Jams MandolinBuy First Jams Mandolin Now!List Price: US $14.95Our Price: US $13.95

First Jams Ukulele
First Jams Ukulele
The First Jam series was created to give children and beginners of all ages a book of simple, common tunes to learn. These are standard “Jam” tunes in the Bluegrass/Old Time music styles. All the books in this series are written in the same keys; they can all be played together without any problems. So get your friends or family who play guitar, mandolin, banjo, ukulele, dulcimer or Dobro together, grab these books and start jamming.
Product# 21512BCD
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More info on First Jams UkuleleBuy First Jams Ukulele Now!List Price: US $14.95Our Price: US $13.95

Best of Bluegrass - Ten Must-Know Songs Arranged for Fiddle, Mandolin, Banjo, Guitar, Dobro and Bass
Best of Bluegrass - Ten Must-Know Songs Arranged for Fiddle, Mandolin, Banjo, Guitar, Dobro and Bass
This unique pack provides complete note-for-note scores for 10 bluegrass classics. The fiddle, mandolin, and bass parts are in standard notation. The banjo parts are written in banjo tab. The CD includes the original recordings as a further reference.
Product# 690636
More info on Best of Bluegrass - Ten Must-Know Songs Arranged for Fiddle, Mandolin, Banjo, Guitar, Dobro and BassBuy Best of Bluegrass - Ten Must-Know Songs Arranged for Fiddle, Mandolin, Banjo, Guitar, Dobro and Bass Now!List Price: US $24.95Our Price: US $22.95

Banjo Jam Tracks
Banjo Jam Tracks
The Banjo Primer Jam CDs play rhythm to all of the songs in the Banjo Primer at 5 different speeds. This companion product to the Banjo Primer is the perfect way to increase your playing speed, improve your timing and make that critical leap between practice and actually jamming with friends.
Product# BPJ
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More info on Banjo Jam TracksBuy Banjo Jam Tracks Now!List Price: US $14.95Our Price: US $13.95

Country and Bluegrass Jam Tracks
Country and Bluegrass Jam Tracks
This high quality audio CD contains 23 dynamic jam tracks of country and bluegrass music. The extended jams (3 to 4 minutes each) are in a wide variety of keys and grooves, allowing you to play any style of music. In addition, several tunes are played at 2 different speeds. Also includes a helpful 16 page instruction booklet with rhythm charts and soloing tips for each song.
Product# LJ2
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More info on Country and Bluegrass Jam TracksBuy Country and Bluegrass Jam Tracks Now!List Price: US $9.95Our Price: US $9.50

Mandolin Primer Jam CD's
Mandolin Primer Jam CD's
The Mandolin Primer Jam CDs by Bert Casey and Geoff Hohwald are a 2 CD (audio only) set that play rhythm to all of the songs in the Mandolin Primer at 5 different speeds. This companion product to the Mandolin Primer is the perfect way to increase your playing speed, improve your timing and make that critical leap between practice and actually jamming with friends.
Product# MPJ
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More info on Mandolin Primer Jam CD'sBuy Mandolin Primer Jam CD's Now!List Price: US $14.95Our Price: US $13.95

Bluegrass Country Guitar Jamming
Bluegrass Country Guitar Jamming
New! Sit in and jam with a top notch bluegrass band. The definitive fun, practice and playing tool for all guitarists. Includes a full-length DVD, and two bonus CDs. The CDs include 13 songs, each recorded twice - once with a guitar solo, and once without (so that you can solo yourself over the backing tracks.) Notes on each song - including the key, to help center your improvisation - are included in the booklet.
Product# DV10054N
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More info on Bluegrass Country Guitar JammingBuy Bluegrass Country Guitar Jamming Now!List Price: US $19.95Our Price: US $18.95

Flatpick Jam Set with Brad Davis
Flatpick Jam Set with Brad Davis
With this set, you are never without a jamming partner. This six-hour session is packed with 33 flatpicking jam favorites. Brad plays each tune at four different tempos so that you can work on your tone, timing, note clarity, and fluidity at the slower tempos and then work to develop your speed at the higher tempos.
Product# 2127
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More info on Flatpick Jam Set with Brad DavisBuy Flatpick Jam Set with Brad Davis Now!List Price: US $74.85Our Price: US $67.95

Slow Jam for Old Time Music
Slow Jam for Old Time Music
This user-friendly Books and CD features fourteen great jam session tunes for learning musicians. Each one is slowed down for beginners, and performed up-to-speed for those ready to play along at a faster pace.
Product# 641505
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More info on Slow Jam for Old Time MusicBuy Slow Jam for Old Time Music Now!List Price: US $19.95Our Price: US $18.95

Bluegrass Jam Session
Bluegrass Jam Session
Get in shape and ready for the next jam session or bluegrass festival with this new practice tape. Joe Carr and Alan Munde, along with the band, perform 15 songs for you to practice with and they explain each instrument's role in each song as well as provide tabulature for selected solos and backup parts as played on the banjo, mandolin, fiddle, guitar, and bass.
Product# JJ-60
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More info on Bluegrass Jam SessionBuy Bluegrass Jam Session Now!List Price: US $29.95Our Price: US $27.95

Bluegrass Jam - Learn How To Jam
Clear Choice, LLC
40 Olde Springs Road
Columbia, SC 29223
803-467-5233 M-F 9-5 EST
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