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Dobro Steels

A dobro steel, also known as a tone bar, is used on square-neck dobros and lap steel guitars. The strings on these instruments are away from the fretboard and are not held down against the fretboard like a regular guitar. Instead, the dobro steel, or tonebar, is held in the left hand and pressed against the strings, creating differing pitches depending on where on the fretboard it is pressed. The steel allows the strings on the dobro to resonate for a long time, giving it the distinctive sound.

Items [7]
Shubb-Pearse SP1 Guitar Steel
Shubb-Pearse SP1 Guitar Steel
THe original Shubb-Pearse Steel designed by John Pearse is favored by many players for its extra length and cutaway bullet tip.
Product# SP1
More info on Shubb-Pearse SP1 Guitar SteelBuy Shubb-Pearse SP1 Guitar Steel Now!List Price: US $32.95Our Price: US $28.95

Shubb-Pearse SP2 Guitar Steel
Shubb-Pearse SP2 Guitar Steel
The SP2s cutaway design was suggested by multi-instrumentalist Peter Grant. The extra mass provides more tone amd the double cutaway design allows for more contral, making this a versatile bar for bluegrass and other styles of Dobro and Lap Steel Guitar.
Product# SP2
More info on Shubb-Pearse SP2 Guitar SteelBuy Shubb-Pearse SP2 Guitar Steel Now!List Price: US $29.95Our Price: US $26.95

Shubb-Pearse SP3 Guitar Steel
Shubb-Pearse SP3 Guitar Steel
The SP3 was designed by Dobro Guitarist Sally Van Meter to be the ultimate bar for playing bluegrass. Built for speed, precision, control, and great tone.
Product# SP3
More info on Shubb-Pearse SP3 Guitar SteelBuy Shubb-Pearse SP3 Guitar Steel Now!List Price: US $34.95Our Price: US $28.95

Dunlop Ergo Tonebar
Dunlop Ergo Tonebar
This ergonomically designed guitar steel fits the three playing fingers, giving more comfort and better control.
Product# 925
More info on Dunlop Ergo TonebarBuy Dunlop Ergo Tonebar Now!List Price: US $51.99Our Price: US $41.99

Dunlop Lap Dawg Tonebar
Dunlop Lap Dawg Tonebar
Designed for progressive players, featuring a larger radius for added sustain and vibrato, re-designed body for a more comfortable grip and new side angles. Delivers better speed and clarity for hammer on's and pull offs. Chromed brass (5.1 oz.)
Product# 926
More info on Dunlop Lap Dawg TonebarBuy Dunlop Lap Dawg Tonebar Now!List Price: US $35.00Our Price: US $29.99

Shubb GS Tonebar
Shubb GS Tonebar
A NEW CONCEPT in Guitar Steels! The Shubb GS-1 Dobro Steel has a handle crafted of fine hardwood for optimum comfort and control. The playing surface is machined of stainless steel for maximum durability. Balanced. Designed for clean pulloffs. Shubb contoured this dobro steel to allow a relaxed, natural hand position.
Product# GS1
More info on Shubb GS TonebarBuy Shubb GS Tonebar Now!List Price: US $42.95Our Price: US $36.95

Stevens Steel Bar
Stevens Steel Bar
The Original! Chromium plated for excellent tone and durability. Contour design for comfortable fit and precision control.
Product# 345
More info on Stevens Steel BarBuy Stevens Steel Bar Now!List Price: US $29.99Our Price: US $26.99

Dobro Steels - Tone Bars - Resonator Steels
Clear Choice, LLC
40 Olde Springs Road
Columbia, SC 29223
803-467-5233 M-F 9-5 EST
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