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Harmonicas are not really in the mainstream of bluegrass instruments, but have been featured by many bluegrass bands, most famously, Flatt and Scruggs. Harmonicas make sound by blowing air into or drawing air out of the reed chamber. Each reed is a different length, with the longer reeds providing the lower tones and the shorter reeds providing the higher tones. Hohner harmonicas are the most famous brand and we carry a great section here. Please call us should you have any special order Hohner harmonicas. We also carry the highly-acclaimed Lee Oskar harmonicas.

Items [11]
Hohner Harmonicas
Hohner Official Boy Scout Harmonica
Hohner Official Boy Scout Harmonica
Recognized by the Boy Scouts of America as an official scouting accessory, rich tone, plastic body, 10 single holes and 20 reeds. Key of C.
Product# HH530C
More info on Hohner Official Boy Scout HarmonicaBuy Hohner Official Boy Scout Harmonica Now!List Price: US $12.00Our Price: US $8.99

Hohner Old Standby Harmonica
Hohner Old Standby Harmonica
Hohner Harmonica "Old Standby". These popular beginners harmonicas are also affordably priced. Fine construction and tone with heavy plated covers and sturdy boxes.
Product# HH348
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More info on Hohner Old Standby HarmonicaBuy Hohner Old Standby Harmonica Now!List Price: US $12.00Our Price: US $8.99

Hohner Big River Harp
Hohner Big River Harp
With a cover design patterned after the ever-popular 1896 Marine Band, the Big River is optimized for a strong, bright tone. This is a great harmonica value that is available in the full range of key choices.
Product# HH590
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More info on Hohner Big River HarpBuy Hohner Big River Harp Now!List Price: US $32.00Our Price: US $22.99

Hohner Marine Band 10 Hole Harmonica
Hohner Marine Band 10 Hole Harmonica
Probably the most played harmonica in the world, due to its excellent sound and ease of playing. The pearwood body, solid brass plates, and patented cover design produce a musical quality that, when first heard in 1896, brought the Marine Band immediate popularity
Product# HH1896
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More info on Hohner Marine Band 10 Hole HarmonicaBuy Hohner Marine Band 10 Hole Harmonica Now!List Price: US $47.00Our Price: US $35.99

Hohner Special 20 Harmonica
Hohner Special 20 Harmonica
A best seller! Genuine brass plates are imbedded in a synthetic body making this harmonica air tight.
Product# HH560
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More info on Hohner Special 20 HarmonicaBuy Hohner Special 20 Harmonica Now!List Price: US $54.00Our Price: US $39.99

Hohner Golden Melody Harmonica
Hohner Golden Melody Harmonica
The classic curve of this harmonica makes it especially easy-to-hold. This model offers a strong, full-bodied sound. Chrome-plated covers fit securely over a plastic comb for airtight playing. Comes in a hinged plastic box.
Product# HH542
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More info on Hohner Golden Melody HarmonicaBuy Hohner Golden Melody Harmonica Now!List Price: US $58.95Our Price: US $48.95

Hohner Blues Harp
Hohner Blues Harp
The world's first harmonica designed especially for Blues, the Blues harp features a wood body for natural tone, powerful reeds for deep, gutsy note bending and sturdy covers that allow air-tight hand control.
Product# HH532
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More info on Hohner Blues HarpBuy Hohner Blues Harp Now!List Price: US $48.00Our Price: US $35.99

Lee Oskar Harmonicas
Lee Oskar Major Diatonic Harmonica
Lee Oskar Major Diatonic Harmonica
Lee Oskar harmonicas are more airtight, easier to bend, and better sounding than most harps. THe major diatonic harmonicas are well-suited for blues, rock, country, bluegrass, folk, and jazz.
Product# 1910
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More info on Lee Oskar Major Diatonic HarmonicaBuy Lee Oskar Major Diatonic Harmonica Now!List Price: US $55.95Our Price: US $37.99

Lee Oskar Natural Minor Harmonica
Lee Oskar Natural Minor Harmonica
Lee Oskar harmonicas are more airtight, easier to bend, and better sounding than most harps. THe Natural Minor harps have a very bluesy, soulful sound that's perfect for playing bluegrass, blues, rock, country, pop, and jazz. This tuning is set up to play tunes in minor keys easily.
Product# 1910N
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More info on Lee Oskar Natural Minor HarmonicaBuy Lee Oskar Natural Minor Harmonica Now!List Price: US $55.95Our Price: US $37.99

Lee Oskar Harmonic Minor Harmonica
Lee Oskar Harmonic Minor Harmonica
Lee Oskar harmonicas are more airtight, easier to bend, and better sounding than most harps. The Harmonic minor harp was designed to produce soulful, Eastern European sounds. 5 notes have been changed from standard major tuning making Yiddish, French, Italian, Greek, Asian, Middle Eastern, gypsy and folk styles much easier to play.
Product# 1910HN
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More info on Lee Oskar Harmonic Minor HarmonicaBuy Lee Oskar Harmonic Minor Harmonica Now!List Price: US $55.95Our Price: US $37.99

Lee Oskar Melody Maker Harmonica
Lee Oskar Melody Maker Harmonica
Lee Oskar harmonicas are more airtight, easier to bend, and better sounding than most harps. The Melody Makers are the best harps for playing single-note melodies. They're great for playing country, bluegrass, pop, R&B, jazz, folk, & standards. This tuning makes it easier to play many songs that can be difficult to play on a standard major diatonic harp.
Product# 1910MM
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More info on Lee Oskar Melody Maker HarmonicaBuy Lee Oskar Melody Maker Harmonica Now!List Price: US $55.95Our Price: US $37.99

Harmonicas - Bluegrass Harmonica
Clear Choice, LLC
40 Olde Springs Road
Columbia, SC 29223
803-467-5233 M-F 9-5 EST
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