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Playing Banjo by Ear & Learning the Chords
Playing Banjo by Ear & Learning the Chords
List Price: US $29.95
Our Price: US $27.95
You Save: US $2.00
SKU: 881837001138
130 minute DVD instruction to help you play without tablature, learn to memorize, learn the chords better, learn to jam on banjo and loads of practical tips for the student wanting to play with others and trying to reach the next level. Includes instruction on learning the chords to songs, playing rolls and chords, up the neck chords, minor major and seventh chords. Tips and exercises to improve your chord changing ability and practice backup. How to improve timing, pick steady, improvise simply, add slides, hammer-ons, and pull-offs to chords and chord changes in the song. Download now from!
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Murphy Method Beginning Banjo Vol. 1
If you've never played banjo before, this is the place to start! Learn the basics of Scruggs-style three-finger bluegrass banjo picking. No Tab! Each tune is explained note-by-note. Banjo in the Hollow, Cripple Creek, Cumberland Gap, Foggy Mountain Breakdown, John Hardy. (1 hour, 50 mnutes) Download from !
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You Can Teach Yourself Banjo By Ear
You Can Teach Yourself Banjo By Ear
This book teaches the 5-string banjoist to listen and play solos and chord progressions by ear, providing essential ear training and techniques needed to participate in jam sessions of all types! Chapters include: Learning Chord Progressions by Ear; Faking a Solo; Playing the Melody by Ear; and Using Licks.
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More info on You Can Teach Yourself Banjo By EarBuy You Can Teach Yourself Banjo By Ear Now!List Price: US $17.95Our Price: US $16.95
50 Tunes for Banjo
50 Tunes for Banjo
50 Tunes Volume 1 for Banjo is one book in a 5-book series. The 50 Tunes series is a collection of Bluegrass, Old Time and Celtic tunes for ensembles, families and individuals. This book contains the same 50 tunes as those found in the other 4 books of the series, but carefully designed for the banjo.
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More info on 50 Tunes for BanjoBuy 50 Tunes for Banjo Now!List Price: US $29.95Our Price: US $27.95
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