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Super Mandolin Picking Techniques
Super Mandolin Picking Techniques
List Price: US $14.95
Our Price: US $13.95
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Manufacturer: Mel Bay Publications
SKU: 95998DVD
Bluegrass-style mandolin requires a strong well-coordinated right-hand technique. In this new thirty-minute DVD, bluegrass mandolin master Joe Carr reveals his method for developing super fast, strong and accurate picking. Specific play-along exercises concentrate on alternating, combination and consecutive down picking. Also featured are Monroe style and two styles of Crosspicking. This DVD introduces the basic techniques of flatpicking and is a great workout, warm-up or exercise tool for developing right-hand power and control. (30 min.) Download now from!
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Classic Bluegrass Mandolin
Classic Bluegrass Mandolin
A bluegrass legend shares the secrets of his dynamic and innovative crosspicking style. Jesse breaks down some of the songs and instrumentals he made famous, including: Dill Pickle Rag Banks Of The Ohio Ridge Runner Farewell Blues Snowbird. A must for bluegrass mandolinists! 75-MINUTE VIDEO LEVEL 3/4 Download now from!.
Product# 641929
More info on Classic Bluegrass MandolinBuy Classic Bluegrass Mandolin Now!List Price: US $29.95Our Price: US $27.95
101 Red Hot Bluegrass Mandolin Licks and Solos.
101 Red Hot Bluegrass Mandolin Licks and Solos.
In music, the term "bluegrass" describes the hot string-band style pioneered by Kentuckian Bill Monroe, which blends old-time country music with blues rhythms and jazz-influenced improvisation. This book contains 101 authentic bluegrass mandolin licks in the favorite bluegrass keys of C, G, D, and A minor written in notation and tablature. The licks are broken down into phrases of two, four, and eight bars. In addition, several endings and crosspicking licks are included. Each lick is played to a chord progression that is standard in bluegrass, country, and folk music. Comes with access to online audio containing All 101 examples with guitar accompaniment at a moderate tempo. Whether you are a fan of old-time country music, traditional bluegrass, or newgrass, you are sure to find lots of great ideas in this new collection of bluegrass licks. So, grab your instrument, put on the audio, pull up a chair, and let's start pickin'. Includes access to online audio.

For E-Book + Online Audio $14.99 Click Buy 101 Red Hot Bluegrass Mandolin Licks and Solos Now

Product# 99446M
More info on 101 Red Hot Bluegrass Mandolin Licks and Solos.Buy 101 Red Hot Bluegrass Mandolin Licks and Solos. Now!List Price: US $18.99Our Price: US $16.99
Bluegrass Mandolin Solos That Every Parking Lot Picker Should Know
Bluegrass Mandolin Solos That Every Parking Lot Picker Should Know
Steve Kaufman's amazing teaching method for mandolinists is now available on CD! His "Parking Lot Pickers" series, which has proved so popular with guitarists through the years, covers levels from beginners to advanced in a four-tiered system.
Product# 641495
More info on Bluegrass Mandolin Solos That Every Parking Lot Picker Should KnowBuy Bluegrass Mandolin Solos That Every Parking Lot Picker Should Know Now!List Price: US $69.95Our Price: US $62.95
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