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John MGann's Sound Fundamentals For Mandolin
John MGann's Sound Fundamentals For Mandolin
List Price: US $24.95
Our Price: US $22.95
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Manufacturer: Mel Bay Publications
Musicians who are known for having great tone and technique understand that a thorough command of each individual component allows them to produce a large palette of tones in the most comfortable and efficient manner. Learn the secrets to improving your own touch, tone and technique from one of the world's finest mandolinists. You learn the following¨ getting comfortable, pick choice & holding the pick; downstrokes vs alternate picking; free strokes vs rest strokes; crosspicking; fingering considerations & scale patterns; the parallel thumb and the duck web; unlocking the fingerboard; developing speed and printable hard copy of all exercises. Includes printable PDF file of musical examples transcribed in standard notation and tablature.
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Rhythm Mandolin from Bluegrass to Celtic Swing
Rhythm Mandolin from Bluegrass to Celtic Swing
Introduces you to a broad range of grooves and approaches available to mandolin players in bluegrass, old time, Celtic, swing and jazz. Includes: exploration of the fiddle tune "Forked Deer" in many styles, tone production and dynamics, bluegrass rhythm styles, old-time feel with open drone strings, partial chords, the "continuum" right hand in progressive bluegrass, Celtic rhythm styles, the flow/brush/texture, alternate vs.
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Essential Techniques for Mandolin
Essential Techniques for Mandolin
Chris Thile shares his own successful formula for developing right- and left-hand dexterity, improving speed and accuracy, and playing with heightened musicality. He provides numerous exercises that will make all the difference as aspiring players learn. 85-MIN. DVD � LEVEL 3 � INCLUDES MUSIC + TAB Download now from!
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More info on Essential Techniques for MandolinBuy Essential Techniques for Mandolin Now!List Price: US $29.95Our Price: US $27.95
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